NETS (Network for Teachers and Students) is developed by APCEIU for the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences gained from APTE (Asia-Pacific Teacher Exchange for Global Education) and creating an online community for educational exchange, aiming to invigorate interactions and cooperation among teachers, students, and schools. With a variety of online tools, NETS provides members with opportunities to build educational networks across borders, promoting learning and practice of Education for International Understanding (EIU) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED) as well as strengthening collaborative partnerships and mutual understanding.
NETS provides an online platform to build a network for teachers and students with similar interests to connect and interact with each other across borders. It allows teachers and students to learn and practice GCED collaboratively through active engagements in various online communities
NETS provides private communities for participants and alumni of each APCEIU’s programme, offering platforms for discussions and distribution of information during and after the participation in the programmes.
NETS offers lesson plans and reading materials on EIU to facilitate the implementation of EIU in the classroom settings. Advice from APCEIU professionals on how to find and effectively work with partner schools, on EIU will empower the global educational capacity of educators.